Episode 17: Speaking Up - Ending the shame of sexual abuse/assault through vulnerable conversations

Episode Description:

This episode originally aired on YouTube. The link mentioned is further down in the description

Did you see the interview Drew Barrymore had with Brooke Shields in which they talked about sexual abuse and exploitation? It is a beautiful example of the healing power of vulnerable conversations.

In today’s episode, I share my thoughts on their recent conversation on The Drew Barrymore Show and what it can mean for all of us as we continue to heal and reduce the shame and stigma of what it means to be a survivor.

If you haven’t seen it yet you can watch it on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/9PfTXPit2Uo

Do you want more but can’t wait for the next episode? Head over to my YouTube Channel, PegygOliveiraMSW, with over 300 videos about Healing Childhood Trauma.

If you have a question you’d like me to answer related to healing from childhood or emotional trauma, please send to qanda@courageousjourneys.com

This podcast is for informational purposes and is not mental health advice nor a replacement for professional mental health treatment.

Episode Notes:

- Conversations are important in reducing the shame associated with sexual abuse and assault.

- Brooke Shields and Drew Barrymore discussed their experiences with sexual abuse and assault, and how they minimized their experiences.

- Minimizing one's experience is a coping mechanism that makes it hard for victims to recognize that it was abuse or assault.

- Vulnerable conversations help people recognize they are not alone, and it shifts the types of conversations others are willing to have.

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Categories: : Podcast