Episode 28: What does it mean to be an expert in mental health?

Episode Description:

This episode originally aired on YouTube. The link mentioned is further down in the description

Over the last several years, it has become even harder to discern who might be best to provide information and opportunities for healing.

This is true for mental health as well as physical health.

Within both of these realms, there is potential for significant harm when we put our healing in the hands of someone who may not be fully equipped to guide or advise us.

In today’s episode, I share my thoughts on a couple of “identifiers” we used to be able to rely on which may no longer be the case and the three factors that have led us here.

I also share how to navigate the confusing waters of what to look for and what might be helpful to question.

There is so much to cover, I recorded a part two so I could more thoroughly cover two words that no longer mean the same or carry the same weight they once did.

I hope this has been helpful to you.

Don’t want to wait for the next episode? Head over to my YouTube Channel, PegygOliveiraMSW, with over 300 videos about Impact & Healing from Childhood Trauma.

If you have a question you’d like me to answer related to healing from childhood or emotional trauma, please send to qanda@courageousjourneys.com

This podcast is for informational purposes and is not mental health advice nor a replacement for professional mental health treatment.

Episode Notes:

- Peggy discusses how the meaning of words in the mental health field has shifted over time.

- Two words, "expert" and "certified," have evolved and can potentially be harmful when used inaccurately.

- The online entrepreneurship world, coaching industry, and social media have contributed to people believing they are experts simply because they have personal experience or have gone through something.

- Peggy emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between personal experiences shared as peers and those presented as authoritative expertise.

- This warns people against blindly trusting self-proclaimed experts and highlights the potential risks associated with following their advice in mental health and medical matters.

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Categories: : Podcast