Healing from sexual abuse - a therapist's journey of healing childhood trauma

My story of impact and healing from childhood trauma leading me to become a trauma therapist

A therapist's Healing Journey: Becoming the person I was meant to be
A trauma therapist's story of healing

Many people see therapists and counselors as somehow different - stronger, more resilient. But the truth is, most of us go into this work for our own healing... even if we're unaware that's what we're doing. 😉

In so many ways, I was a textbook survivor of childhood sexual trauma. I had no awareness of how deeply impacted I was by my experience of sexual abuse and neglect.

I minimized, denied, and rationalized to cope . Though, again, there was no awareness that this is what was happening. I believed everything I told myself. 

This led to a baseline of depressive and anxious feelings throughout my life. At times, so intense, I didn't want to live. I wished I wouldn't wake up in the morning.  

I believed, with everything in me, that this is what my life was meant to be. 

Sure, I had moments when I consciously hoped for something better. But, the beliefs would immediately remind me of the truth... that this is who I was and, therefore didn't deserve it to be better.

I didn't know healing was possible.

If someone told me they could see into the future and one day those hopes would become a reality, I'd feel a sense of freedom I can't yet imagine, I'd trust in the love another would feel for me, and I'd even help other people experience the same...

I would have thought they were crazy. They did say they could see into the future after all. 😉

Turns out it wouldn't have been so crazy.

I want you to know that the same possibility exists within you.

With support, time, and patience, healing is possible. Yes, for you too. 

You can reclaim who you were always meant to be. The you who has always existed within you beneath the buried levels of hurt and fear.

Healing isn't having to change anything about WHO you are. It means rediscovering your true self. It means moving from shame and self-judgment to self-compassion and trusting you are worthy of love, respect, and having your needs met. It means speaking your truth without needing others' approval. It means embracing the freedom to create the future you deserve.

The journey is never easy. Healing isn't linear- it's a path filled with ups and downs, struggles and breakthroughs. 

My journey of healing from sexual abuse is an ongoing process, particularly when it comes to trusting myself.

Now when something comes up, I'm able to be more aware from a place of curiosity and compassion instead of feeling doubt and shame. At least most of the time. 😉

You are capable and deserving of having the life the little one within you hoped for. 

Together, we can create a world where survivors are empowered to thrive. Together we heal.

I talk about this more in this video:

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