Do you have a hard time shutting off your thoughts at the end of the day or when you try to relax?
As we begin to settle in after a long day or before bed, our minds often begin to go into overdrive... replaying all the "shoulds"; mentally going through the to-do list and thinking about all that didn't get done; planning for tomorrow, including adding things from your list that didn't get done today; and of course, all the feelings and doubts that leave you feeling like you need to do better, try harder, or are just simply "not enough".
This is a daily journal to help you release thoughts, feelings, or worries so you can create spaciousness for peaceful, restful energy.
The more you practice, the more benefit there is.
Undated, lined journal pages. There are suggestions to help you get the most out of it and a few affirmations sprinkled in to help you remember the truth of your worthiness.
I'm really enjoying working with Peggy Oliveira's journal. I love to journal as it helps me process my thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. I love to journal as it supports me in my process of healing, growing and developing. I especially like this journal as it has compassionate affirmations spread throughout the journal. This reminds and encourages me to bring self-compassion into my daily practice. This journal is uncomplicated and easy to use. The journal will make a wonderful gift for family, friends or those on a personal healing journey. I also recommend this journal to my clients who I encourage to journal to support them on their healing journey.