Sacred Boundaries

A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul


Sacred Boundaries is an invitation to deeply root into and honor your soul’s knowing so you may feel more confident, connected, and easeful in your relationships with others… and even more importantly, with yourself.

Boundaries are a necessary structure for our overall well-being. Yet, we are not taught nor encouraged to create, implement, or enforce them.  There is a good chance you aren't sure what your boundaries are.  

Most of us are taught from a very early age to ignore our desires and intuition for the sake of making others more comfortable or avoiding difficult conversations.  If you have a history of interpersonal trauma, you very directly experienced that your needs played no role in your existence. Therefore leaving you with a deep, core belief that you exist for others.  

However, when we feel rooted in our soul’s knowing, we are able to navigate the uncertainties inherent in relationships and life with more ease. 

We're in this together...

We are currently living in a collective energy and reality of tremendous uncertainty which creates an increased level of stress.

When feeling stressed we tend to return to old beliefs, behaviors, and ways of coping (most of which are not very healthy).

All of this may leave you feeling disconnected from yourself which can lead to immersing yourself in others… being there for, or taking care of, their physical or emotional needs.  Or, you might be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, guilty, or ashamed because you are doing too much or feeling you should be doing more. This can lead to a desire to pull back, leaving you feeling isolated or lonely.

If you see yourself in any of the above, you are not alone. ❤️

In such uncertain times globally, and amid our own personal struggles, Peggy created a safe haven in a stormy world. With this course, you have the invitation to take time for yourself to explore what boundaries could look like for you if you could create the life you would love. She gently encourages and equips you with the tools to explore where and why your boundaries need some reinforcement or some room. 


What made this course great for me is that Peggy clearly outlined how boundary setting works in practice and why it is so hard to do. But more importantly, by well-timed journal prompts and the interactive Q&A sessions she enticed me to look at my own successes and failures with boundaries with different eyes. I think that a book or video can give you information on boundaries, but this course gives the tools to start doing something with it in your real life.  


So many of the conversations I’ve been having have a very similar theme...

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, fearful, or possibly shut down as a result of wanting to be all things to all people.

Feeling like you’re failing at some of your most important relationships because you can’t fix or change their circumstances or how they feel.

Feeling a desire to pull back from relationships because you just don’t have the energy to “show up” in the way you desire or they expect.

Feeling like you can't win. You try to take care of yourself and say no but, you're left feeling bad about it. Or, you say yes to alleviate feeling bad and end up feeling resentful.  There is also a recognition for some that they have a relationship or two which have some unhealthy aspects to them.

With all this going on, this is an important time to take care of YOU!

One of the best ways you can do this is by honoring yourself through clear boundaries.

As you root into your knowing, you navigate the ebb & flow and ups & downs all this uncertainty creates from a place of ease and confidence.  

Boundaries are not selfish.  They are a beautiful practice of self-care and necessary for our overall well-being.

I believe...

We have a deep knowing in our soul of what we need and desire. But, we allow guilt, fear, and even shame to get in the way of honoring our mind, heart, and body.

When we are able to understand the direct connection between our fears and core wounding we naturally begin the healing process. This creates the confidence to honor our needs through creating and implementing healthy boundaries.

And, I believe you are worthy and capable of creating this foundation for your continued healing and freedom.

Sacred Boundaries has helped me look at my relationships and how I need to protect the more fragile parts of myself. I have learned steps to take in order to honor my needs and desires. This would be a great course to take if you are trying to understand what boundaries even mean to you or if you are familiar with them but struggle to find ways to put them in place.  


I highly recommend this course and any of Peggy's courses. Peggy gives 100% to everything she does.  


The Journey


  • Why we are challenged in identifying and implementing boundaries.
  • What boundaries look and feel like in healthy relationships.
  • The wounding or fears keeping you from being able to fully honor yourself.
  • How to strengthen your confidence to aid in releasing doubt or guilt in setting boundaries.
  • Practices to stay rooted in this confidence so you can nurture your most important relationships while honoring yourself.

Land With...

  • Confidence, ease, and security within your relationships with others... and yourself.
  • Rootedness in making decisions whether you are saying yes or no.
  • Trust in your intuitive desires.
  • Pride as you pull it all together and a sense of freedom when you know you can honor yourself while you honor, love, and care for others. 


Eight (8) videos total. Four teaching and four Q&A videos (previously recorded). The Q&A videos are packed with great questions!


Downloadable PDF Ebook with journal prompts and practices to help integrate your learning.


Two audio meditations to help you connect to your inner knowing and internalize the belief that it is safe and healthy to set boundaries.

Pay What you Wish

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You will receive all the same content, regardless of which option you choose.

Sacred Boundaries

$37 USD

  • A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul


Sacred Boundaries

$55 USD

  • A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul


Sacred Boundaries

$74 USD

  • A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul


Prior to the course, I knew I struggled to set boundaries; both saying “no” and at times saying “yes”. But the course helped me connect the dots; to see my boundary issues in the context of my life experiences, and perhaps be less judgmental of my limitations and struggles in this area.

(Anonymous to provide privacy)

The journal prompts gently open up the opportunity to explore things in ways you could not have come to alone. Lots of “ah-ha” revelations.

(Anonymous to provide privacy)

Meet Your guide

Peggy Oliveira, MSW

Survivor Whisperer®

Peggy Oliveira, MSW is a trauma therapist, speaker, mentor, & survivor.

Her soulful way of getting us to connect to our truth...pain, fears, dreams, and desires inspires us, with arms and hearts wide open, to look under the surface and honor the whisper of our soul.  

Known as the Survivor Whisperer, she weaves her story of impact & healing from childhood sexual abuse with her 20+ years as a trauma therapist and advocate to inspire us to release what holds us back, and courageously step into the life we deserve.

Peggy is the founder of Courageous Journeys, a practice of guiding people on their Journey of Returning to Wholeness through 1:1, online programs and groups, and transformational healing retreats.