Embracing the Messy Middle Through the Journey of Healing Childhood Trauma

Navigating feelings, desires, needs, and decisions can be difficult for most people, at least at times.

For many childhood trauma survivors, it can create significant anxiety and/or self-doubt.

One of the reasons is because we tend to think of many things as black and white. This includes how we believe we “should” or “shouldn’t” feel, do, think, etc.

Much of healing is being able to practice holding space for ourselves in the middle.

One area in which this can be particularly challenging is navigating the relationship and feelings with someone who has hurt us.

In this video I share how it all can show up and how to navigate through it.

You can watch the video below or on YouTube by clicking HERE. If you prefer to listen as a podcast, you can do that HERE.

Categories: Blog, Impact of Trauma and Emotional Wounding