
Impact and healing from childhood trauma

Available on these streaming platforms

Latest Episodes

Overcoming Shame: How Trauma Survivors Can Advocate for Their Health and Well-being

Finding Peace with Uncertainty While Healing Childhood Trauma

Breaking Through Denial: The Key to Emotional Healing

Healing Childhood Trauma: Essential Insight for Lasting Freedom

Relational Trauma: Trust, Betrayal, and the Healing Process

The Forgotten Childhood Trauma - Impact & Healing of Neglect

The Unexpected in the Search for My Biological Father


Healing Childhood Trauma - Self-care, Supporting Others, World Crises

Trauma healing process

Transformative podcast episodes that help guide you on your healing journey

Impact of trauma & emotional wounding

Illuminating podcast episodes that explore the profound effect of trauma on our lives and relationships

Practices to help you on your journey

Empowering podcast episodes that share transformative techniques, insights, and wisdom to support your healing journey

My trauma healing journey

Intimate podcast episodes where I share my experience of healing from  childhood trauma to help you on your own journey