Episode 46: How Journaling Unlocks Your Healing Potential

Episode Description:

This episode originally aired on YouTube. The links mentioned are further down in the description.

I believe journaling can be one of the most important practices on the journey of healing childhood trauma. So much so that I’ve created a few different forms of guided journals for individuals and within in my groups as prompts.

Journaling, for me, is about connecting with what's present in our thoughts, bodies, and the inner world that subconsciously, or even unconsciously directs everything. It's a powerful tool for self-awareness, a crucial step in the healing journey.

In today’s episode, I discuss how to use journaling for healing and the potential challenges and resistance that may arise, including possibly feeling exposed or struggling to express thoughts are common hurdles. And why it’s important to practice navigating through the struggles and any resistance.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on journaling. Is it something you embrace or feel a bit resistant toward? If you do journal, how has it been helpful along the journey?

I AM - Workbook for Trauma Healing

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Releasing the Day for a Peaceful Night: Buy here

Deeply Rooted: Buy Here

Don’t want to wait for the next episode? Head over to my YouTube Channel, PegygOliveiraMSW, with over 300 videos about Impact & Healing from Childhood Trauma.

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If you have a question you’d like me to answer related to healing from childhood or emotional trauma, please send to qanda@courageousjourneys.com

This podcast is for informational purposes and is not mental health advice nor a replacement for professional mental health treatment.

Episode Notes:

  • Peggy discusses the various tools and practices in the healing journey and acknowledges that some practices can be frustrating, and the importance of finding effective methods.

  • She emphasizes the significance of journaling in understanding and recognizing one's thoughts and feelings. In this episode, Peggy also highlights the connection between thoughts, feelings, and the healing process.

  • She describes the integration of journaling into therapeutic sessions, encouraging individuals to journal after conversations.

  • Peggy encourages letting go of perfectionism, focusing on the act of writing, and expressing oneself.

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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/courageousjourneys
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/peggyoliveira/

Categories: Podcast