First step in healing sexual abuse

This podcast is created by AI based on Peggy Oliveira, MSW's YouTube videos.

This podcast episode was created with AI. The conversation is created from the YouTube video with the same name. Because it is AI, there may be mispronunciations, mistakes, or possibly things that may be inaccurate as it relates to the actual message of the video. I am including the video for you to watch the full episode if you like or prefer.

Episode Description:

Healing is a complicated process. In this video I talk about the first step in truly being able to heal childhood abuse.

Video Episode:

Don’t want to wait for the next episode? Head over to my YouTube Channel, Peggy Oliveira MSW, with over 800 videos about Impact & Healing from Childhood Trauma.

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This podcast is for informational purposes and is not mental health advice nor a replacement for professional mental health treatment.

Episode Notes:

  • Healing is a Process: Healing from sexual abuse is not a simple checklist but a gradual process of learning, practicing, and integrating over time to let go of feelings of unworthiness and embrace self-worth.
  • Acknowledging the Abuse: The first step in healing is truly acknowledging and accepting the abuse, not just verbally or cognitively, but emotionally recognizing its impact without minimizing or denying it.
  • Coping Mechanisms: Denial and detachment are common coping mechanisms that protect during abuse but can hinder healing in adulthood. Letting go of these mechanisms is crucial.
  • Honoring the Pain: Healing requires honoring and validating the emotions tied to the abuse, such as pain, betrayal, fear, or anger, allowing the inner child to feel acknowledged and understood.
  • Acceptance Without Forgiveness: Acceptance involves recognizing the reality and impact of the abuse without necessarily forgiving or making peace with it; it’s about validating the feelings rather than staying stuck in them.

  • Helpful Tools for Your Healing Journey

    Returning to Wholeness

    Returning to Wholeness Journal Course

    A journey for survivors of childhood trauma of learning to trust and embody the TRUTH of who you've always been.

    Learn more
    Courageous Connections

    Connecting Within

    Guided meditations to help heal mind, body & soul.

    Learn more
    Journey to Wholeness

    Sacred Boundaries

    A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul. Boundaries are hard. This course will help you recognize what you need and how to move through the obstacles keeping you form implementing it.

    Learn more

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