Sexual abuse and your body's natural response to sexual stimulation

This podcast is created by AI based on Peggy Oliveira, MSW's YouTube videos.

This podcast episode was created with AI. The conversation is created from the YouTube video with the same name. Because it is AI, there may be mispronunciations, mistakes, or possibly things that may be inaccurate as it relates to the actual message of the video. I am including the video for you to watch the full episode if you like or prefer.

Episode Description:

In this video, I’m addressing a sensitive but important topic: the natural physiological response of orgasm during sexual abuse. Many survivors feel deep shame around this, but it's crucial to understand that it's a normal bodily reaction, not an indication of desire or consent. 

I share why it's important to release the guilt and shame associated with this response, and how doing so can help you move forward in your healing journey. 

Video Episode:

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This podcast is for informational purposes and is not mental health advice nor a replacement for professional mental health treatment.

Episode Notes:

  • Peggy addresses the natural and normal physiological response of orgasm during sexual stimulation, even in abusive situations.
  • Survivors of abuse often feel shame about this response due to the stigma, which can lead to isolation.
  • Experiencing an orgasm during abuse doesn't mean it was wanted or liked; it's simply the body responding as it was designed to.
  • Shame can interfere with healthy sexual experiences in adulthood, preventing full emotional and physical connection.
  • It's important to forgive oneself and let go of shame to move forward and experience the sexual pleasure one deserves.

  • Helpful Tools for Your Healing Journey

    Returning to Wholeness

    Returning to Wholeness Journal Course

    A journey for survivors of childhood trauma of learning to trust and embody the TRUTH of who you've always been.

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    Courageous Connections

    Connecting Within

    Guided meditations to help heal mind, body & soul.

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    Journey to Wholeness

    Sacred Boundaries

    A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul. Boundaries are hard. This course will help you recognize what you need and how to move through the obstacles keeping you form implementing it.

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