Courageous Connections

a healing space for women

Beginning September 12th @ 1:30 pm MST (Phoenix)


Healing happens in connection

I've had the desire to connect with women in a casual space where we can just be together; no masks, freedom to explore what's on your mind, and trust that you are not alone on this journey.

Courageous Connections is that space.

Think of it as a gathering with some new friends, and maybe some old ones, at a cozy little coffee shop (or your favorite spot to connect).

A space where everyone is welcome and encouraged to share.

We'll have Q&A, a little grounding together, and connection.

If you've ever joined me live on YouTube or Facebook for Q&A, then you know a bit about what to expect. 

 I could never have imagined that knowing I am not alone would be so important. The knowledge I have learned from Peggy and the questions asked by others in group have been so empowering. The community and support we share offers much comfort and challenges the old messages of not fitting in and not being good enough. Groups would not be my natural habitat so I would encourage everyone to give it a go and stick with it long enough to see those small shifts begin.


 I have participated in many of Peggy's online groups. I've really gained and healed in the company of many wonderful women on a similar healing journey. The support, guidance, and mentoring from Peggy is simply amazing. It certainly can feel vulnerable. However, I've learned that allowing myself to be vulnerable and show up as truly authentic is where deep healing can and does take place. I also found myself recognizing that in a safely held community, I have felt that I belonged. 



What to Expect...

We'll meet monthly on Zoom for approximately 90 minutes on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 MST. It will be webinar style, so you won't be on camera. 😉

We'll do a little grounding together to settle your nervous system and become present in the space we co-create. Then we'll move into Q&A where I'll answer all your questions.

If you aren't able to join live, you can submit your question ahead of the call. You'll have 2 weeks to watch the replay.  

 You just know what to say, when to say things, and what to say to each one of us which touches our hearts and souls. This is so beneficial to the growth, development, and understanding of each person who participated. I thank you and appreciate you...I am healing every day thanks to your incredible guidance.

P. Reid

 I never thought I would be participating in a group, However, overcoming the feelings associated with participating in group allowed me to recognize strengths I never thought I had before. Thank you! Peggy, for allowing me to accomplish this goal. I'm proud to share this experience with my therapist next time we meet.


A healing space for connection and Q&A

After registering, you'll receive an email with important information about our call. If you don't see the email within about 15 minutes of signing up, please check your spam or junk folder. If you still don't see it, please reach out to You'll also receive additional emails leading up to the call with important links.

Courageous Connections is a monthly membership. You have the option to pay monthly or for 3 months at one time. Your credit card will automatically be charged (monthly or quarterly) until you cancel. 


$11 usd
per month


$33 usd
every 3 months

 You helped me understand and really feel the impact of shame, the importance of self-compassion, that it was never my fault, that I am worthy of love, that my anger was validated and even necessary, that healing is possible, and that I'm not a failure when I need to return to therapy. You helped me find acceptance and peace of mind but most important of all to me was that I finally didn't feel alone. I will always love being a part of this community and I'm really looking forward to another live Q&A.


 Simply an amazing experience. I'm so happy to have had this healing experience with such a supportive and kind group of women. Peggy is an amazingly kind, caring, and supportive guide on this healing journey. Don't allow yourself to miss out through fear or financial cost. This was a superb healing experience.


Common Questions

~Check your internet connection before the start of our call.

~Connect with others in the chat. Share ‘me too’ moments to let others know that they are not alone.  

~All questions are welcome and you can ask as many as you like.  You're also welcome to ask follow-up or clarifying questions. Type your question into the chat.  

~To help build connection, please use your name (first or alias is fine) as your display name. (If using an alias, you will need to let me know prior to the call so I know it's you who's asking to be admitted 😉)

~If you need to leave before the end of the call, you are welcome to do so.

~Don’t hesitate to share more information when asking a question, it will help me understand your situation better and provide a more detailed response.  

~If you aren't able to make it live or need to leave early, the replay will be send out within approximately 24 hours.

You don't need to prepare a whole lot. 😊 The primary things will be to make sure you have a good internet connection and everything is working well and you have the link to join that will be shared in a couple of different emails. I suggest bookmarking/saving the emails so you have easy access.

I'd also like to encourage you to consider having a quiet, comfortable space where you have the opportunity to be fully present without interruption.
Remember, you won't need a camera or microphone for this call, as interaction will be through the chat feature only.

While you will get the most out of it if you can join live, you will still gain a lot by watching on replay. There are many times people will watch a replay a few times, gaining something more each time.

You will also be able to submit a question ahead of time if you won't be able to join live..

 I try my best to answer all questions. 🙂

Yes. The only people with access to the live call or the recording are those who have registered for the call. (Well, except myself and my VA, Mae 😉)

Everyone is encouraged to ask questions and connect in the chat. If you are looking for more in-depth healing opportunities (whether in a group setting or individual sessions), check out my other opportunities for healing HERE.

We'll be together for between 90 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the number of questions. 

Yes! You can join anytime. The calls are monthly on the second Thursday of the month. (Subject to change)

An interesting thing about this healing journey is that almost everything done with conscious intention is a healing practice. 😉 While this is not meant to be a deep "healing group", the very nature of connecting in this type of space is healing.And, knowing you're not alone is one of the most important experiences along this journey.

Depending on time, there may be additional practices for connection, grounding, or healing.

If you'd like a deeper healing experience (whether in a group setting or individual work), please check out additional opportunities HERE

When you join, you have the option of paying monthly or quarterly (every 3 months). You will be billed automatically the following month or quarter depending on your initial choice. If you'd like to cancel, you can do so by logging into your account and canceling Courageous Connections. You will need to do so at least 72 hours (3 days) before your next scheduled payment. You will be billed on the same day of each month that you signed up on. 

You will not be able to receive a refund for your payment but, you can cancel and won't be billed again. 

I'm so glad you asked. 😊 There is a lot of great information out there but, there is also a lot that has the potential to harm instead of help.

I've been a childhood trauma therapist (clinical license retired) for 20+ years. I'm also a survivor who's gone through my own healing process and guided hundreds of others on their healing journey... dismantling beliefs of unworthiness and shame; building and sustaining healthy boundaries, reconnecting to the truth of their worthiness and power. (Thousands if you count content shared on video platforms 😉)

With my personal and professional experience, I've developed a deep understanding of the myriad ways we are impacted by childhood trauma and the emotional responses associated with them. This expertise enables me to navigate sensitive topics with understanding, compassion, sensitivity, and insight.

Peggy Oliveira

Peggy Oliveira, MSW is a trauma therapist, author, mentor, survivor, and speaker. (Clinical License Retired)

Known as the Survivor Whisperer®, she weaves her story of impact & healing from childhood sexual abuse with her 20+ years as a trauma therapist and advocate to guide and inspire us to heal the lasting impact of childhood abuse and courageously step into the life we deserve.

Her soulful way of getting us to connect to our truth... pain, fears, dreams, and desires inspires us, with arms and hearts wide open, to look under the surface and honor the whisper of our soul.

Peggy is the founder of Courageous Journeys®, a practice of guiding people on their Journey of becoming deeply rooted and embodied through virtual 1:1 sessions and groups, online courses and workshops, and transformational healing retreats.