healing childhood trauma... together

with Survivor Whisperer®, Peggy Oliveira, MSW

Inspiration, first access to new healing opportunities, and your free Letting Go meditation, a guided meditation to help you breathe in the feelings you desire and exhale all that weighs you down.

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You are already whole and have everything you need to heal within you

Welcome! Please, come in.

Set your fears and uncertainties aside, open your heart, and join me on this journey of deep, soul healing.

Courageous Journeys® is a journey of coming back to you. To the essence of who you are… who you’ve always been.

The journey of discovering the freedom your soul has been asking for. You know, that little voice that sends a desire… the feeling of hope into your heart that ultimately led you here. Those moments when you find yourself struggling yet recognize there has to be more.

Those are the whispers of your soul.

Imagine…  No more self-doubt, self-sabotaging, unhealthy/unfulfilling relationships, or shame.

Instead…  Feeling connected, understood, capable, worthy, loved, whole… and free.  

Your soul is asking. Are you listening?

Take a moment... take a deep breath... open to the possibility

You cannot heal what you deny is wounded

The most damaging aspect of childhood trauma is the shame we carry throughout our lives.

Shame that's kept you living a life that is far smaller than you are deserving and capable of…and meant for.

For some people this shows up in obvious ways. Depression, abusive relationships, suicidal thoughts and actions, addiction, flashbacks, etc.

For many others, it shows up as being overly independent or confident, intense reactions or completely shut off emotions, difficulty letting people see, know the “real” you, or no matter what you achieve or have in your life you still feel like something’s missing…a knowing, a deep desire for more.

Wherever you see yourself, I would be honored to take part in your journey of discovering who you truly are under the layers of self-protection and buried pain.

Let's Journey Together

Whether you're just starting your journey or you've been on this path for years,
healing is possible and it's never too late.

Gain Understanding & Connect

Join me on YouTube as I share my thoughts and experience as both a trauma therapist and survivor. 

Healing Courses & Tools

Courses and a meditation album to help you on your courageous healing journey. 

Group Healing

Group healing is an important aspect of healing emotional wounding and interpersonal trauma. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities.

Healing happens in connection

Peggy Oliveira, MSW

Childhood Trauma Healing Mentor, Survivor, Author of Deeply Rooted

I'm so glad you're here. It means that you know there is hope for healing the struggles you've likely been living with for much of your life. I was there too. The abuse and neglect I experienced made me believe there was something deeply wrong with me. Something so wrong that it caused the abuse and would keep me from being able to live my life differently. read more

Most Popular Healing Tools

Returning to Wholeness Journal Course

A journey for survivors of childhood trauma of learning to trust and embody the TRUTH of who you've always been

Learn more

Courageous Connections

A virtual healing space for women who've experienced childhood trauma with live Q&A

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Journey to Wholeness

A deeper journey of healing the lasting impact of child sexual abuse

Learn more

Sacred Boundaries

A journey of honoring heart, mind, body & soul. Boundaries are hard. This course will help you recognize what you need and how to move through the obstacles keeping you form implementing it.

Learn more

Deeply Rooted

A guided journal with mindful practices for cultivating self-compassion, self-acceptance & healing

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Connecting Within

Guided meditations to help heal mind, body & soul

Learn more

 I wanted to write a quick lil love note to you to thank you deeply and express my gratitude for you. After our call the other day, I allowed myself to process, cry, share with my honey and your guidance was exactly what I needed. My tell tale sign there was shifting happening was because the next day my stomach stopped hurting. It's gone. And although I'm still sensitive about it, I feel like we opened a window for the sun to shine in. Thank you so much!! I'm so grateful for you in my life!!


 Thank You, Peggy!! You are AMAZING. I’m 55, saw numerous counselors and read various self-help books. Not one unearthed or meaningfully addressed this issue. You have an unusual ability to grasp the core dynamics and present the solutions in a simple, accurate and hopeful way. It sounds simple, but in my experience, it's incredibly uncommon. I wish that every therapist were required to study the wisdom you so generously share. They would be far more effective at unearthing abuse and guiding us out of the damaging coping mechanisms of denial, avoidance, minimization, and rationalization. Thank you for the gift you’ve given.


 I need you to know that (Creating Refuge meditation) is working!!!! I get to sleep!! I’m so F***ING EXCITED!! Just really needed everyone to know this! Thank you sooooooo much for providing and creating these meditations for us!!!


 I just listened to the deep sleep mediation...well kinda… I listened for a short while and fell fast asleep in my chair...lol it worked. 😊
